Parents of 6-Month-Old Face Backlash For Their Baby Waterskiing Video

The internet almost crashed from a cuteness overload recently when a six-month boy was captured on video skiing. The video appeared online where it received many shares on Instagram and on other popular social media platforms. Casey and Mindi Humphreys posted the footage featuring their son skiing on Lake Powell during a family trip on the 12 of September. They had no idea that amid the awed audience, there would also be aggrieved persons who would find fault in the video.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video

People are brought up in different environments and live in different cultures. As a result, what might seem normal in our society may look very strange to a person who comes from a different part of the world.



The same thing happens with parenting techniques. What some parents might consider normal may cause alarm to parents from a different place. Those who find the behaviors abnormal often do not hesitate to call out the practices. The good thing is that the alarm comes from a place of genuine concern about the safety of the children involved. It is important to note, however, that what works for a particular family may not work for another. Due to this, it is important to be considerate and accommodative of the different beliefs and cultures that are existent in the world.

Casey and Mindi Humphreys posted a video of their 6-month-old son water skiing on September 12, 2020. This video raised the hairs on the neck of many parents who could not imagine that responsible parents could let such a young boy out on the water. According to them, the action was reckless and could easily lead to the boy drowning.

Amidst the negative reactions were other people who found the video to be adorable. You can watch the video to know which side of this debate you fall on as you continue reading.

One person who saw the video had this to say afterwards: “I’m not sure about all the complaining but the baby is NOT. lol He’s living the enjoying his young life.”

This video seems real, which means that the boy was indeed in the water. Clearly, this was not even the first time the young boy was skiing, seeing as to how composed he seemed throughout the entire video.

Responding to the mixed feedback about the video, the parents assured everyone that they took all the necessary precautions to ensure that their child was safe. This was in an interview with Good Morning America after the video went viral and made the boy the new talk of the town.

We cannot ignore the fact that in a world whose population is close to 8 billion, cultures are bound to be diverse. This video seems like one of those cases where parenting opinions differ among people from different cultures. The assenting and dissenting views about the video are all valid. By the looks of it, all necessary safety measures were observed by the parents. In the video, we see that the father was within arm’s reach of his son throughout, and as with all protective and loving parents, he would not have hesitated jumping out in the waters to save his son in case of any emergency.

How do you feel about this 6-month-old boy water skiing? Feel free to leave a comment telling us your thoughts about the video, and be sure to share it with your friends to see what they think as well.

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